Chambers offers a number of mini-pupillages each year to those with a genuine interest in pupillage at 8 New Square.
Please note that there is a selection process involved and that our mini-pupillages are oversubscribed.
One of the selection criteria relates to technical/scientific ability. Due to the scientific nature of the work undertaken in chambers we ask that anyone applying for a mini-pupillage is able to demonstrate a technical or scientific background, either academically (this need not be to degree level) or through other experience. Please specifically outline in your cover letter how you can demonstrate this ability. Failure to do so will mean that your application will not be considered. Additionally, we ask that applicants have commenced legal training before undertaking a mini pupillage as we feel they will gain more from the experience. Please therefore time your application accordingly.
Please also note that if you are successful in your application, there may be a time lag of a number of months between submitting your application and the dates that we are able to offer for your mini-pupillage, so if you have particular time restraints or deadlines then please apply as early as possible.
Applications should be addressed to Harri Gibson at 8 New Square with a covering letter and a CV. Harri Gibson and Philip Taylor oversee the mini-pupillage programme and either can be contacted if you have any questions in relation to mini-pupillage. Please note, unless there are exceptional circumstances (in which case, please explain in your covering letter), the use of AI tools is strongly discouraged and given the number of applications we see, its use is readily apparent.
Chambers is happy to contribute towards the travel expenses of those attending a mini-pupillage. Please keep travel receipts and hand them to Harri, Philip or one of the Clerks during your mini-pupillage. In addition, Lincoln’s Inn have a Mini-Pupillage Grant Scheme that assists with other costs associated with undertaking a mini-pupillage. Please see here for more information and to assess if you are eligible.