8 New Square congratulates junior tenant Jaani Riordan on the publication of a major new textbook entitled The Liability of Internet Intermediaries. The work was published by Oxford University Press in 2016.
The textbook is the first to provide comprehensive analysis of the legal responsibilities of information society services who transmit and host the content of third parties, including search engines, internet service providers, image and video sharing platforms, hosts, and social networks. The book’s 18 chapters give detailed coverage to issues including website blocking injunctions, safe harbours, and secondary liability for copyright and trade mark infringement, defamation, passing off, breach of confidence, invasion of privacy, data protection rights, malicious communications, and other commonly encountered wrongs.
Lord Hoffmann says in his Foreword that the book “contains a detailed examination of the circumstances in which various elements of the internet may incur secondary liability for the torts of others, either in the form of monetary damages or, perhaps more importantly, injunctive relief which requires them to take steps to prevent further wrongdoing”, and that the work is “a valuable source for anyone dealing with this new area of law”.