
Justin Turner QC joins 8 New Square20 June 2022Justin Turner QC, a leading advocate and IP specialist with a particular interest in pharmaceutical and biotech cases, will be joining 8 New Square on 20th June 2022. Members of chambers have worked with Justin for many years and are delighted to welcome him following his decision to move from his previous chambers. Justin has appeared in many of the leading cases at all […]
Managing IP Awards 202215 June 20228 New Square’s Jaani Riordan won the UK Junior IP Barrister of the Year award at this year’s Managing IP Awards, with Isabel Jamal also being nominated in this category. Daniel Alexander QC, Adrian Speck QC, Andrew Lykiardopoulos QC, Charlotte May QC, James Abrahams QC and Lindsay Lane QC were all nominated in the Senior […]
Lewis Silkin Podcast – FYIP: Diversity in the Legal Profession with 8 New Square’s Ashton Chantrielle21 April 2022This month, Stephanie Kay and Antony Craggs from Lewis Silkin interviewed Ashton Chantrielle.  Ashton discussed her process of becoming a Barrister and some of her recent cases, as well as diversity in the profession. Please click here to listen to the podcast.
5* JUVE Patent Ranking and ‘Ones to Watch UK 2022’ for Isabel Jamal12 January 2022In the recently published JUVE Patent rankings, 8 New Square was the only UK set to be given a 5* JUVE rating.  It received commendation for its range of work, commitment to diversity initiatives and its visibility across the field of IP. Please click here for the full analysis. Isabel Jamal was the only barrister featured in […]
Professor William Cornish (1937-2022)11 January 2022Chambers is sad to announce the death of Professor William Cornish. Sir Robin Jacob recalls one of chambers “greatest sons”: Bill Cornish was a junior lecturer at LSE from 1962 to 1968. He did a lot there, including teaching a class of evening students which included a brilliant patent agent, Richard Lloyd and me, a […]